Selfie of Adam in a red Cougar sweatshirt

Meet Your OC


Pronouns: he/him
Year in School: Junior
Major: Business Management and Finance
Hometown: Kennewick, WA
Zodiac Sign: Libra
Favorite Song: Don’t Stop Me Now by Queen

About Adam

Adam is from nearby Kennewick and had a smooth transition to life as a Coug. He found the campus community very friendly and felt welcome immediately. While WSU provided the possibility for Adam to visit home frequently, he felt living on campus in his first year helped him to connect with other students. Attending orientation helped him to learn about campus and the resources available to support students.

As an OC, Adam wants to help new students’ transition to be as smooth as possible. He’s looking forward to showing you the best parts of campus. If you see Adam on campus ask him about his favorite classes or events. One of his favorite events is the Halloween party hosted annually in the Compton Union Building (CUB). He’s always happy to help a fellow Coug!

We hope you love Adam as much as we do!

Hear from Adam

Watch the video to hear from Adam!