Colt with Martin Stadium in the background

Meet Your OC


Pronouns: he/him
Year in School: Junior
Major: Forestry Management
Hometown: Buckley, WA
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
Career Aspiration: Firefighter

About Colt

Colt became an OC to help show student veterans all the tools available to them and how to access such tools. He chose to come to WSU because of the amazing forestry program because it helps to better understand how to build habitats for the animals he loves and wants to keep around! Colt said he loves the beautiful landscape surrounding WSU, especially the wheat fields.

Some of Colts favorite things around Pullman are the WSU Bear Center, and going to The Land for a bite of food. A piece of advice from Colt is that attendance is the most important part of classes at WSU: if you show up and put in effort, you will pass all your classes.

We hope you love Colt as much as we do!

Hear from Colt

Watch the video to hear from Colt!